Metals User Configuration
While each editor may have a different way to change the user configuration, the values should be more or less the same for all extensions. Below you'll find all the available configuration options and what they do.
Java Home directory
The Java Home directory used for indexing JDK sources and locating the java
Default: JAVA_HOME
environment variable with fallback to user.home
system property.
"metals": {
"javaHome": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_192.jdk/Contents/Home"
sbt script
Optional absolute path to an sbt
executable to use for running sbt bloopInstall
By default, Metals uses java -jar sbt-launch.jar
with an embedded launcher while respecting
and .sbtopts
. Update this setting if your sbt
script requires more customizations
like using environment variables.
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"sbtScript": "/usr/local/bin/sbt"
Gradle script
Optional absolute path to a gradle
executable to use for running gradle bloopInstall
By default, Metals uses gradlew with 7.5.0 gradle version. Update this setting if your gradle
script requires more customizations
like using environment variables.
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"gradleScript": "/usr/local/bin/gradle"
Maven script
Optional absolute path to a maven
executable to use for generating bloop config.
By default, Metals uses mvnw maven wrapper with 3.6.1 maven version. Update this setting if your maven
script requires more customizations
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"mavenScript": "/usr/local/bin/mvn"
Mill script
Optional absolute path to a mill
executable to use for running mill mill.contrib.bloop.Bloop/install
By default, Metals uses mill wrapper script with 0.5.0 mill version. Update this setting if your mill
script requires more customizations
like using environment variables.
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"millScript": "/usr/local/bin/mill"
Scalafmt config path
Optional custom path to the .scalafmt.conf file.
It should be a path (relative or absolute - though an absolute path is recommended) and use
forward slashes /
for file separators (even on Windows).
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"scalafmtConfigPath": "project/.scalafmt.conf"
Scalafix config path
Optional custom path to the .scalafix.conf file.
It should be a path (relative or absolute - though an absolute path is recommended) and use
forward slashes /
for file separators (even on Windows).
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"scalafixConfigPath": "project/.scalafix.conf"
Ammonite JVM Properties
Optional list of JVM properties to pass along to the Ammonite server.
Each property needs to be a separate item.\n\nExample: -Xmx1G
or -Xms100M
Default: []
"metals": {
"ammoniteJvmProperties": ["-Xmx1G"]
Excluded Packages
Packages that will be excluded from completions, imports, and symbol searches.
Note that this is in addition to some default packages that are already excluded. The default excluded packages are listed below:
If there is a need to remove one of the defaults, you are able to do so by including the
package in your list and prepending --
to it.
Default: []
"metals": {
"excludedPackages": [""]
Don't generate Bloop plugin file for sbt
If true, Metals will not generate metals.sbt
files under the assumption that sbt-bloop is already manually installed in the sbt build. Build import will fail with a 'not valid command bloopInstall' error in case Bloop is not manually installed in the build when using this option.
Default: false
"metals": {
"bloopSbtAlreadyInstalled": false
Version of Bloop
This version will be used for the Bloop build tool plugin, for any supported build tool, while importing in Metals as well as for running the embedded server
Default: 2.0.8
"metals": {
"bloopVersion": "1.4.0-RC1"
Bloop JVM Properties
Optional list of JVM properties to pass along to the Bloop server. Please follow this guide for the format"
Default: ["-Xmx1G"].
"metals": {
"bloopJvmProperties": ["-Xmx1G"]
Should display lenses with links to super methods
Super method lenses are visible above methods definition that override another methods. Clicking on a lens jumps to super method definition. Disabled lenses are not calculated for opened documents which might speed up document processing.
Default: false
"metals": {
"superMethodLensesEnabled": false
Should display type annotations for inferred types
When this option is enabled, each method that can have inferred types has them displayed either as additional decorations if they are supported by the editor or shown in the hover.
Default: false
"metals": {
"inlayHints.inferredTypes.enable": false
Should display implicit parameter at usage sites
When this option is enabled, each method that has implicit arguments has them displayed either as additional decorations if they are supported by the editor or shown in the hover.
Default: false
"metals": {
"inlayHints.implicitArguments.enable": false
Should display implicit conversion at usage sites
When this option is enabled, each place where an implicit method or class is used has it displayed either as additional decorations if they are supported by the editor or shown in the hover.
Default: false
"metals": {
"inlayHints.implicitConversions.enable": false
Should display type annotations for type parameters
When this option is enabled, each place when a type parameter is applied has it displayed either as additional decorations if they are supported by the editor or shown in the hover.
Default: false
"metals": {
"inlayHints.typeParameters.enable": false
Should display type annotations in pattern matches
When this option is enabled, each place when a type is inferred in a pattern match has it displayed either as additional decorations if they are supported by the editor or shown in the hover.
Default: false
"metals": {
"inlayHints.hintsInPatternMatch.enable": false
Use semantic tokens highlight
When this option is enabled, Metals will provide semantic tokens for clients that support it. The feature should work within all supported files extensions aside from Java.
Default: true
"metals": {
"enableSemanticHighlighting": false
Indent snippets when pasted.
When this option is enabled, when a snippet is pasted into a Scala file, Metals will try to adjust the indentation to that of the current cursor.
Default: false
"metals": {
"enableIndentOnPaste": false
Default fallback Scala version
The Scala compiler version that is used as the default or fallback in case a file doesn't belong to any build target or the specified Scala version isn't supported by Metals. This applies to standalone Scala files, worksheets, and Ammonite scripts.
Default: 3.3.5
"metals": {
"fallbackScalaVersion": 3.3.5
Test UI used for tests and test suites
Default way of handling tests and test suites. The only valid values are "code lenses" and "test explorer". See for information on how to work with the test explorer.
Default: Code Lenses
"metals": {
"testUserInterface": test explorer
Eclipse Java formatter config path
Optional custom path to the eclipse-formatter.xml file.
It should be a path (relative or absolute - though an absolute path is recommended) and use
forward slashes /
for file separators (even on Windows).
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"javaFormat.eclipseConfigPath": "formatters/eclipse-formatter.xml"
Eclipse Java formatting profile
If the Eclipse formatter file contains more than one profile, this option can be used to control which is used.
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"javaFormat.eclipseProfile": "GoogleStyle"
Scala CLI launcher
Optional absolute path to a scala-cli
executable to use for running a Scala CLI BSP server.
By default, Metals uses the scala-cli from the PATH, or it's not found, downloads and runs Scala
CLI on the JVM (slower than native Scala CLI). Update this if you want to use a custom Scala CLI
launcher, not available in PATH.
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"scalaCliLauncher": "/usr/local/bin/scala-cli"
Custom project root
Optional relative path to your project's root. If you want your project root to be the workspace/workspace root set it to "." .
Default: empty string ""
"metals": {
"customProjectRoot": "backend/scalaProject/"
Show all compilation debugging information
If a build server supports it (for example Bloop or Scala CLI), setting it to true will make the logs contain all the possible debugging information including about incremental compilation in Zinc.
Default: false
"metals": {
"verboseCompilation": true
Import build when changes detected without prompting
Automatically import builds rather than prompting the user to choose. "initial" will only automatically import a build when a project is first opened, "all" will automate build imports after subsequent changes as well.
Default: off
"metals": {
"autoImportBuild": all
Default to using build tool as your build server.
If your build tool can also serve as a build server, default to using it instead of Bloop.
Default: false
"metals": {
"defaultBspToBuildTool": true