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Metals v0.8.3 - Cobalt

· 3 min read

We are happy to announce the release of Metals v0.8.3, which main purpose is adding support for the new Scala version, 2.12.11. Additionally, we included a couple of recent fixes.

Commits since last release61
Merged PRs18
Closed issues14
New features1

For full details:

Metals is a language server for Scala that works with VS Code, Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, Atom and Eclipse. Metals is developed at the Scala Center and VirtusLab with the help from Lunatech along with contributors from the community.


Check out, and give Metals a try!

  • support for Scala 2.12.11
  • recent minor improvements

Miscellaneous improvements

  • fix bug where worksheets got stuck evaluating forever
  • fix issue where Metals would incorrectly prompt about a Bloop version change
  • fix a bug where rename symbol produced invalid code for class hierarchies using generics
  • ignore return type when renaming overriden methods and fields
  • fix bug where docstrings for workspace sources returned stale documentation
  • goto definition now works for standalone source files, even if the build has not been imported
  • fix issue with string alignment when multiple multiline strings were present in a file


Big thanks to everybody who contributed to this release!

$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v0.8.1..v0.8.3
Tomasz Godzik
Olafur Pall Geirsson
Chris Kipp
Krzysztof Bochenek
Tomasz Pasternak
Win Wang
Łukasz Wawrzyk
Lorenzo Gabriele
Rikito Taniguchi

Merged PRs

v0.8.3 (2020-03-20)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests: