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Metals v0.9.8 - Lithium

· 4 min read

We're happy to announce the release of Metals v0.9.8, which brings along a number of smaller improvements, new Scala 3 milestone support and a hot new feature.

Commits since last release100
Merged PRs41
Closed issues5
New features1

For full details:

Metals is a language server for Scala that works with VS Code, Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, Atom and Eclipse. Metals is developed at the Scala Center and VirtusLab with the help from Lunatech along with contributors from the community.


Check out, and give Metals a try!

  • Add in ability to export worksheet evaluations.
  • Scala 3.0.0-M3 support.

Worksheet evaluations

Thanks to the great work by ckipp01 users will now be able to export their evaluated worksheets using a new command, copy-worksheet-output, or Metals: Copy worksheet output in Visual Studio Code.


When using this command existing statements will be copied to your clipboard along with their evaluations included as comments below them. This will allow users to freely share their results with others.


  • Add in Scala Sources to standalone worksheets.
  • Fix auto-connect BSP server without explicit choice.
  • Make sure to not duplicate semanticdbOptions when using sbt BSP.
  • Ensure semanticdb is enabled with sbt BSP and Scala 3


Big thanks to everybody who contributed to this release or reported an issue!

$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v0.9.7..v0.9.8
Chris Kipp
Tomasz Godzik
Gabriele Petronella
Victor Mikhaylov

Merged PRs

v0.9.8 (2020-12-18)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests: