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Metals v0.11.4 - Aluminium

· One min read

We're happy to announce the release of Metals v0.11.4, which includes the hotfix of the issue with cs install metals.

Commits since last release3
Merged PRs3
Closed issues1
New features0

Metals is a language server for Scala that works with VS Code, Vim, Emacs and Sublime Text. Metals is developed at the Scala Center and VirtusLab with the help from Lunatech along with contributors from the community.


Check out, and give Metals a try!

  • Fix the issue with installing Metals using coursier


Big thanks to everybody who contributed to this release or reported an issue!

$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v0.11.3..v0.11.4
2 Kamil Podsiadło
1 Vadim Chelyshov

Merged PRs

v0.11.4 (2022-04-27)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests: