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Contributing to Metals

Whenever you are stuck or unsure, please open an issue or ask us on Discord or on our Matrix bridge. This project follows Scalameta's contribution guidelines and the Scala CoC.


You will need the following applications installed:

  • Java 17, 11 or 8 - Make sure JAVA_HOME points to a Java 17, 11 or 8 installation. Metals will need to build and run on all of them, with support for 8 probably being dropped in the near future.
  • git
  • sbt (for building a local version of the server)

Project structure

  • metals the main project with sources of the Metals language server.
  • mtags Scala version specific module used to interact with the Scala presentation compiler. It's a dependency of the metals project and can additionally be used by via mtags-interfaces to support multiple Scala versions inside the Metals server. It's also used by other projects like Metabrowse.
  • mtags-interfaces - java interfaces for the presentation compiler.
  • tests/unit moderately fast-running unit tests.
  • tests/cross - tests targeting cross builds for common features such as hover, completions, signatures etc.
  • tests/input example Scala code that is used as testing data for unit tests.
  • tests/slow slow integration tests.
  • sbt-metals the sbt plugin used when users are using the BSP support from sbt to ensure semanticDB is being produced by sbt.
  • docs documentation markdown for the Metals website.
  • metals-docs methods used for generating documentation across multiple pages in docs.
  • website holds the static site configuration, style and blogs posts for the Metals website.

Below diagram shows project structure and dependencies among modules. Note that default-<suffix> is a default root project created implicitly by sbt. Projects diagram

The improvement you are looking to contribute may belong in a separate repository:

Common development workflow

Most of the time development in Metals looks like:

  • do some changes
  • write tests which check if your changes work
  • publish Metals server locally and test changes manually

When diving into part of the code without any prior knowledge it might be hard to comprehend what's going on and what part of the code is responsible for specific behavior. There are several ways to debug Metals, but most popular are:

  • debugging through logging (recommended option)
  • classic debugging with breakpoints

Commit messages

Try to follow the conventional commits specification, which means your commits should be of form:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

It's important to over-communicate in your commit messages. Be thorough. It's important to ensure you outline the problem you're trying to solve, or the feature you're introducing, and then explain the fix or implementation. This will help the reviewers with their review and also future contributors to get the full context of your changes.

For example, this message can be take a form of:

Previously, this bug was happening due to invalid handling of URIs. Now, we handle them correctly using a dedicated class.

Ideally, each PR would only have one commit and the title with body would be the same for the pull requests. However, sometimes a PR might require more changes and commits, in that case please try to keep them self contained, which means each change pertains to a specific bug or feature and can be reverted separately.

Debugging through logging

This approach provides very quick iterations and short feedback loop. It depends on placing multiple pprint.log() calls which will log messages in .metals.log file. Logged output can be watched by tail -f .metals/metals.log.

MetalsLanguageServer.scala:1841 params: DebugSessionParams [
targets = SingletonList (
BuildTargetIdentifier [
uri = "file:/HappyMetalsUser/metals/#metals/Compile"
dataKind = "scala-attach-remote"
data = {}

See workspace logs for more information.

This approach can be used in 2 variants:

Classic debugging

Classic debugging is possible by the JVM debugging mechanism. Publish Metals locally, open a new project and configure debug settings. Then you can attach IDE with opened Metals repository to the debugged instance:

  • VSCode - add attach configuration to yours launch.json

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
    // Attach debugger when running via:
    // `-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=localhost:5005`
    "type": "scala",
    "request": "attach",
    "name": "Attach debugger to Metals server",
    "buildTarget": "metals",
    "hostName": "localhost",
    "port": 5005

    Then pick such a defined configuration and run debug.

    Attach debugger

  • IntelliJ - Select Attach to the process and pick proper process from the list

    Attach to the process

Unit tests

To run the unit tests open an sbt shell and run unit/test. However, this command will run all of the unit tests declared in unit module.


# (recommended) run a specific test suite, great for edit/test/debug workflows.
> unit/testOnly tests.DefinitionSuite

# run a specific test case inside the suite.
> unit/testOnly tests.DefinitionSuite -- <exact-test-name>

# run unit tests, moderately fast but still a bit too slow for edit/test/debug workflows.
> unit/test

# run slow integration tests, takes several minutes.
> slow/test

# (not recommended) run all tests, slow. It's better to target individual projects.
> test

Manually testing an LspSuite

Every test suite that extends LspSuite generates a workspace directory under tests/unit/target/e2e/<suitename>/<testname>. To debug why a LspSuite might be failing, run the test once and then open it directly in the editor. For example, for the test case "deprecated-scala" in WarningsLspSuite run the following command:

code tests/unit/target/e2e/warnings/deprecated-scala

This will open Visual Studio Code in directory with test project and it'll be possible to investigate why test is failing manually.

Cross tests

These tests check common features such as hover, completions or signatures for different Scala version.


# run presentation compiler tests, these are the quickest tests to run.
> cross/test

run presentation compiler tests for all Scala versions.
> +cross/test

Manual tests

Some functionality is best to manually test through an editor. A common workflow while iterating on a new feature is to run publishLocal and then open an editor in a small demo build.

It's important to note that sbt publishLocal will create artifacts only for the Scala version currently used in Metals and trying to use the snapshot version with any other Scala version will not work. This may be fine if you're working on a generic feature that isn't using the presentation compiler (anything in mtags), if not then you need to publish the specific version of mtags that you're trying to test

`publishLocal; ++3.1.1 mtags/publishLocal`

You can also do a full cross publish with sbt +publishLocal, however this will take quite some time, so it's often better to only target the version you need.

Visual Studio Code

Install the Metals extension from the Marketplace by searching for "Metals".

Click here to install the Metals VS Code plugin

Next, update the "Server version" setting under preferences to point to the version you published locally via sbt publishLocal. You'll notice that version has the format <version>-SNAPSHOT.

Metals server version setting

When you make changes in the Metals Scala codebase

  • publish metals binary as described above.
  • execute the "Metals: Restart server" command in Visual Studio Code (via command palette)


If using nvim-metals:

You'll want to make sure to read the docs here and take a look at the example configuration here if you haven't already set everything up.

  • publish the metals binary as described above.
  • set the serverVersion in your settings table that you pass in to your metals config.
  • Open your workspace and trigger a :MetalsUpdate followed by a :MetalsRestart. NOTE: that every time you publish locally you'll want to trigger this again.

If you are using another Vim client, write a new-metals-vim script that builds a new metals-vim bootstrap script using the locally published version.

coursier bootstrap \
--java-opt -Dmetals.client=<<NAME_OF_CLIENT>> \
org.scalameta:metals_2.13:1.5.3-SNAPSHOT \ # double-check version here
-o /usr/local/bin/metals-vim -f

NOTE if you're able to configure your client using initialization options, then the client property is not necessary. You can see all the options here.

Finally, start Vim with the local Metals version

cd test-workspace # any directory you want to manually test Metals
new-metals-vim && vim build.sbt # remember to have the script in your $PATH

When you make changes in the Metals Scala codebase, run sbt publishLocal, quit vim and re-run new-metals-vim && vim build.sbt.

Workspace logs

Metals logs workspace-specific information to the $WORKSPACE/.metals/metals.log file.

tail -f .metals/metals.log

These logs contain information that may be relevant for regular users.

JSON-RPC trace

To see the trace of incoming/outgoing JSON communication with the text editor or build server, create empty files in $WORKSPACE/.metals/ or your machine cache directory.

However, we do not recommend using your machine cache directory because trace files located there are shared between all Metals instances, hence multiple servers can override the same file. Using $WORKSPACE/.metals/ solves this issue and also allows user to have more precise control over which metals instances log their JSON-RPC communication.

# Linux and macOS
touch $WORKSPACE/.metals/lsp.trace.json # text editor
touch $WORKSPACE/.metals/bsp.trace.json # build server
touch $WORKSPACE/.metals/dap-server.trace.json # debug adapter
touch $WORKSPACE/.metals/dap-client.trace.json # debug adapter
# Windows
type nul > $WORKSPACE/.metals/lsp.trace.json # text editor
type nul > $WORKSPACE/.metals/bsp.trace.json # build server
type nul > $WORKSPACE/.metals/dap-server.trace.json # debug adapter
type nul > $WORKSPACE/.metals/dap-client.trace.json # debug adapter

Next when you start Metals, watch the logs with tail -f.

# Linux and macOS
tail -f $WORKSPACE/.metals/lsp.trace.json

The traces are very verbose so it's recommended to delete the files if you are not interested in debugging the JSON communication.

JVM Debugging

To debug the JVM with the Metals server, add a property to your Server Properties with the usual Java debugging flags, making sure you have the quiet option on. It's important to remember about the flag, as the server uses standard input/output to communicate with the client, and the default output of the debugger interferes with that.

This property will make your server run in debug mode on port 5005 without waiting for the debugger to connect:


Updating build tool launcher/wrappers

Metals uses various wrappers or launchers for each build tool that it supports. This makes sure that when your in a workspace for you build tool that metals is able to correctly launch that build tool, even if it doesn't exist on the users $PATH. You can see their usages in <BuildToolName>BuildTool.scala.

Updating sbt-launcher

The easiest way to update the sbt-launcher is with the following coursier command:

cp "$(cs fetch org.scala-sbt:sbt-launch:<version>)" sbt-launch.jar

This will allow you to not have to do some of the manual steps with the launcher properties file listed here.

Updating maven wrappers

For Maven we use the Maven Wrapper. In order to update this you'll want to do the following:

  • Run the ./bin/ script
  • Update the def version in MavenBuildTool.scala to the latest version that you just updated to.
  • Run the specific maven tests and ensure they pass: ./bin/ 'slow/testOnly -- tests.maven.*'

Git hooks

This git repository has a pre-push hook to run Scalafmt.

The CI also uses Scalafix to assert that there a no unused imports. To automatically remove unused imports run sbt scalafixAll. We don't run Scalafix as a pre-push git hook since starting sbt takes a long time.