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Making a release


Tag the release

  • Choose the right version number:

    • x.0.0 should not be used unless Metals is totally reworked.
    • x.y.0 is reserved for changes that require adjustments in the plugins for different editors.
    • x.y.z is reserved in remaining cases, where the changes do not require any adjustments in the plugins.

    For most releases bumping z is enough especially that Metals not being used as a library anywhere and do not have a public API.

    • The tag must be called vx.y.z, e.g. v3.0.0.
    • git tag -a vx.y.z -m "vx.y.z"

    You will need the tag to fill in some information in the release notes. It can always be deleted and tagged again if you want to include more commits. git tag -d vx.y.z

    Please wait with pushing the tag until the release notes are accepted.

Draft the release notes

First of all, if you are bumping the minor part of the version choose a new metal or an alloy as a new for the release! Use that in the release notes and in the release title on GitHub. Otherwise, use the metal from the previous release.

You might use the ./bin/ script to generate a draft of release notes with merged PRs list between two last release tags. It can be run using scala-cli:

cs install scala-cli
scala-cli ./bin/merged_prs.scala -- <tag1> <tag2> "<github_api_token>"

Make sure that required tags, the previous one and the new one, are available. You might need to do git fetch <main_fork> --tags to fetch the older tag. You need to create the new one.

It will need a basic github API token (don't need any additional scopes) to run, which may be specified via the last argument.

The script will generate a new markdown file in website/blog filled with a basic release template.

You can fill in the number of closed issues from the last milestone, though you will need to make sure everything is included there. In most cases you can just add all the closed issues since the last milestone.

Please also fill in any missing details like the author or author image.

To write the actual release notes you can look through the list of closed PR, put any smaller changes that you think are worth mentioning to the users in the Miscellaneous section and any large ones as their own section with more explanation and examples.

Update Metals version

  • build.sbt - update localSnapshotVersion and mimaPreviousArtifacts
  • .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml - update Version of Metals
  • ./bin/ - remove any unsupported Scala versions and add newly supported ones. This will be needed later to test the new release.
  • .github/workflows/mtags-auto-release.yml - update metals_version and metals_ref

Open a PR with release notes

Open the PR to the repo and wait until they are approved to merge them. This might take some time if the release is large enough.

Start the release process:

  • git push <main_fork> <tag_name> will trigger release workflow on the main fork of the metals repository. This for example can be git push v1.0.0 or if you have the remote set up:
> git remote -v
primary (fetch)
primary (push)
> git push primary v1.0.0
  • Do not create a release on GitHub just yet. Creating a release on GitHub sends out a notification to repository watchers, and the release isn't ready for that yet.

  • Wait for the Github Actions job to build the binaries and stage them to Sonatype.

  • While waiting for Github Actions, update the milestones:

    • Close the milestone or milestones corresponding to the release. For example, for a v3.3.0 release, we close both 3.3.0 and 3.2.1 (because we never released 3.2.1, so all its tickets went straight to 3.3.0).
    • Create the milestone or milestones corresponding to future releases. For example, for a v3.3.0 release, we create both v3.3.1 and v3.4.0.

Before release announcement

  • Verify the Sonatype release:

    • Make sure that the release shows up at
    • Run ./bin/ $VERSION to ensure that all artifacts have successfully been released. It's important to ensure that this script passes before announcing the release since it takes a while for all published artifacts to sync with Maven Central. You might need to update the script if the list of supported versions changed in the meantime.
    • To check that the release to Sonatype succeed even if the artifacts are not yet available on Maven Central run: ./bin/ $VERSION -r sonatype:public
  • Double check if the release starts up and some basic features work.

  • Merge the release notes PR

  • Wait until it's available on

  • Upgrade downstream projects:

      • generate metals website with sbt docs/run
      • open website/target/docs/editors/ and copy everything from "Requirements" over to the scalameta/metals-vscode README
        • remove "Using latest SNAPSHOT" section, this table is only up-to-date on the website
      • check or update enum values of fallbackScalaVersion property in package.json. They should be the same as V.supportedScalaVersions in build.sbt
      • open a PR, feel free to merge after CI is green
      • open the last generated release draft, tag with a new version and publish the release. The new version should always be the next minor since patches are used for prerelease versions, so if the last full release was 1.24.0 then the next should be 1.25.0. This will start github actions job and publish the extension to both the Visual Studio Code Marketplace and openvsx.

Official release

  • Publish the release on GitHub:

    • Copy-paste the release from the website blog
    • In the dropdown, pick the recently pushed tag.
    • In the release title, say Metals vX.Y.Z.
    • Once the VS Code extension has been updated on the Marketplace, click "Publish release".
  • Announce the new release with the link to the release notes:

Post release

See if any docs need to be updated due to the changes in the last PR. This could potentially be done also before the release, but might be easier as a follow up afterwards without the release pressure.

Sanity check

  • draft release notes and create with PR with them
  • bump Metals version
  • push a tag to the repository
  • merge PR with release notes
  • check if artifacts are published to the sonatype
  • update downstream projects like metals-vscode
  • do release on GitHub
  • announce it

Add new Scala version support to the existing release

  • If it's a Scala2 you need to release semanticdb plugin for it first.

    • Find out which scalameta version the existing release uses
    • In scalameta project:
      • checkout on the tag for this version
      • apply required changes for supporting new Scala2 compiler
      • create and push tag with the following name: semanticdb_v${existing-scalameta-version}_${scala-version} Notice this tag should include these changes in release.yml
  • Release mtags artifact. Open Mtags auto release action page, click Run Workflow, specify Scala version and confirm.