Tree Guide
A core functionality of Scalameta is syntax trees, which enable you to read, analyze, transform and generate Scala programs at a level of abstraction. In this guide, you will learn how to
- parse source code into syntax trees
- construct new syntax trees
- pattern match syntax trees
- traverse syntax trees
- transform syntax trees
Add a dependency to Scalameta in your build to get started. Scalameta supports Scala 2.11, Scala 2.12, Scala 2.13, Scala.js and Scala Native.
// build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %% "scalameta" % "4.13.4"
// For Scala.js, Scala Native
libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %%% "scalameta" % "4.13.4"
All code examples assume you have the following import
import scala.meta._
Ammonite REPL
A great way to experiment with Scalameta is to use the
Ammonite REPL. To make it work with
scalameta it needs to be run with --thin
$ amm --thin
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.3.8 (Scala 2.13.5 Java 11.0.7)
@ import $ivy.`org.scalameta::scalameta:4.13.4`, scala.meta._
You can try out Scalameta online with the Scastie playground.
What is a syntax tree?
Syntax trees are a representation of source code that makes it easier to programmatically analyze programs. Scalameta has syntax trees that represent Scala programs.
Scalameta trees are lossless, meaning that they represent Scala programs in sufficient detail to go from text to trees and vice-versa. Lossless syntax trees are great for fine-grained analysis of source code, which is useful for a range of applications including formatting, refactoring, linting and documentation tools
Parse trees
Scalameta comes with a parser to produce syntax trees from Scala source code. You can parse trees from a variety of sources into different kinds of tree nodes.
From strings
The simplest way to parse source code is from a string. As long as you have
import scala.meta._
in your scope, you can use the parse[Source]
val program = """object Main extends App { print("Hello!") }"""
val tree = program.parse[Source].get
Once parsed, you can print the tree back into its original source code
// object Main extends App { print("Hello!") }
The problem with parsing from strings it that error messages don't include a filename
"object Main {".parse[Source]
// <input>:1: error: `}` expected but `end of file` found
// object Main {
// ^
To make error messages more helpful it's recommended to always use virtual files when possible, as explained below.
From files
To parse a file into a tree it's recommended to first read the file contents into a string and then construct a virtual file
val path = java.nio.file.Paths.get("docs", "example.scala")
val bytes = java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(path)
val text = new String(bytes, "UTF-8")
val input = Input.VirtualFile(path.toString, text)
val exampleTree = input.parse[Source].get
// object Example extends App {
// println("Hello from a file!")
// }
The difference between text.parse[Source]
and input.parse[Source]
is that
the filename appears in error messages for Input.VirtualFile
Input.VirtualFile("example.scala", "object Main {").parse[Source]
// example.scala:1: error: `}` expected but `end of file` found
// object Main {
// ^
From expressions
To parse a simple expressions such as a + b
use parse[Stat]
The name Stat
stands for "statement".
println("a + b".parse[Stat].get.structure)
// Term.ApplyInfix(
// Term.Name("a"),
// Term.Name("+"),
// Type.ArgClause(Nil),
// Term.ArgClause(List(
// Term.Name("b")
// ))
// )
If we try to parse an expression with parse[Source]
we get an error because
a + b
is not valid at the top-level for Scala programs
println("a + b".parse[Source])
// <input>:1: error: illegal start of definition `identifier`
// a + b
// ^
The same solution can be used to parse other tree nodes such as types
println("A with B".parse[Type].get.structure)
// Type.With(
// Type.Name("A"),
// Type.Name("B")
// )
If we use parse[Stat]
to parse types we get an error
println("A with B".parse[Stat])
// <input>:1: error: `end of file` expected but `with` found
// A with B
// ^
From programs with multiple top-level statements
To parse programs with multiple top-level statements such as build.sbt
or Ammonite scripts we use the Sbt1
dialect. By default, we get an error when
using parse[Source]
val buildSbt = """
val core = project
val cli = project.dependsOn(core)
// <input>:2: error: illegal start of definition `val`
// val core = project
// ^
This error happens because vals are not allowed as top-level statements in
normal Scala programs. To fix this problem, wrap the input with dialects.Sbt1
// List(val core = project, val cli = project.dependsOn(core))
The same solution works for virtual files
Input.VirtualFile("build.sbt", buildSbt)
// List(val core = project, val cli = project.dependsOn(core))
The difference between dialects.Sbt1(input)
and parse[Stat]
is that
does not allow multiple top-level statements
// <input>:3: error: `end of file` expected but `val` found
// val cli = project.dependsOn(core)
// ^
Note that dialects.Sbt1
does not accept programs with package declarations
dialects.Sbt1("package library; object Main").parse[Source]
// package library; object Main
Construct trees
Sometimes we need to dynamically construct syntax trees instead of parsing them from source code. There are two primary ways to construct trees: normal constructors and quasiquotes.
With normal constructors
Normal tree constructors as plain functions
println(Term.Apply(Term.Name("function"), List(Term.Name("argument"))))
// function(argument)
Although normal constructors are verbose, they give most flexibility when constructing trees.
To learn tree node names you can use .structure
on existing tree nodes
// Term.Apply(
// Term.Name("function"),
// Term.ArgClause(List(
// Term.Name("argument")
// ))
// )
The output of structure is safe to copy-paste into programs.
Another good way to learn the structure of trees is AST Explorer.
With quasiquotes
Quasiquotes are string interpolators that expand at compile-time into normal constructor calls
// Term.Apply(
// Term.Name("function"),
// Term.ArgClause(List(
// Term.Name("argument")
// ))
// )
You can write multiline quasiquotes to construct large programs
object Example extends App {
// Defn.Object(
// Nil,
// Term.Name("Example"),
// Template(
// None,
// List(
// Init(
// Type.Name("App"),
// Name.Anonymous(),
// Nil
// )
// ),
// Template.Body(
// None,
// List(
// Term.Apply(
// Term.Name("println"),
// Term.ArgClause(List(
// Lit.Int(42)
// ))
// )
// )
// ),
// Nil
// )
// )
Quasiquotes can be composed together like normal string interpolators with
dollar splices $
val left = q"Left()"
// left: Term.Apply = Term.Apply(
// fun = Term.Name(value = "Left"),
// argClause = Term.ArgClause(values = List(), mod = None)
// )
val right = q"Right()"
// right: Term.Apply = Term.Apply(
// fun = Term.Name(value = "Right"),
// argClause = Term.ArgClause(values = List(), mod = None)
// )
println(q"$left + $right")
// Left() + Right()
It's important to keep in mind that quasiquotes expand at compile-time into the same program as if you had written normal constructors by hand. This means, for example, that formatting details or comments are not preserved if interpolated values are used, because the complete source is not available at compile-time.
val argument = 1
// argument: Int = 1
println(q"function ( $argument ) // comment")
// function(1)
A list of trees can be inserted into a quasiquote with double dots ..$
val arguments = List(q"arg1", q"arg2")
// arguments: List[Term.Name] = List(
// Term.Name(value = "arg1"),
// Term.Name(value = "arg2")
// )
// function(arg1, arg2)
A curried argument argument lists can be inserted into a quasiquotes with triple
dots ...$
val arguments2 = List(q"arg3", q"arg4")
// arguments2: List[Term.Name] = List(
// Term.Name(value = "arg3"),
// Term.Name(value = "arg4")
// )
val allArguments = List(arguments, arguments2)
// allArguments: List[List[Term.Name]] = List(
// List(Term.Name(value = "arg1"), Term.Name(value = "arg2")),
// List(Term.Name(value = "arg3"), Term.Name(value = "arg4"))
// )
// function(arg1, arg2)(arg3, arg4)
A common mistake is to splice an empty type parameter list into type application nodes . Imagine we have a list of type arguments that happens to be empty
val typeArguments = List.empty[Type]
If we directly splice the lists into a type application we get an error message
"invariant failed (targClause should be non-empty)" referring to the targClause
field of Type.ApplyType
(with additional cryptic information showing specific
checks performed):
// org.scalameta.invariants.InvariantFailedException: invariant failed (targClause should be non-empty):
// when verifying targClause.!=(null).&&(targClause.isInstanceOf[scala.meta.internal.trees.Quasi].||(targClause.nonEmpty))
// found that targClause.isInstanceOf[scala.meta.internal.trees.Quasi] is false
// and also targClause.nonEmpty is false
// where targClause = ''
// at org.scalameta.invariants.InvariantFailedException$.raise(InvariantFailedException.scala:26)
// at scala.meta.Term$ApplyType$.apply(Trees.scala:330)
// at scala.meta.Term$ApplyType$After_4_6_0$.apply(Trees.scala:330)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anonfun$3.apply(
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anonfun$3.apply(
The quasiquote above is equivalent to calling the normal constructor
Type.ApplyType(.., typeArguments)
. Scalameta trees perform strict runtime
validation for invariants such as "type application arguments must be
non-empty". To fix this problem, guard the splice against the length of the list
(if (typeArguments.isEmpty) q"function()"
else q"function[..$typeArguments]()").structure
// Term.Apply(
// Term.Name("function"),
// Term.ArgClause(Nil)
// )
To learn more about quasiquotes, consult the quasiquote spec.
Pattern match trees
Use pattern matching to target interesting tree nodes and deconstruct them. A core design principle of Scalameta trees is that tree pattern matching is the dual of tree construction. If you know how to construct a tree, you know how to de-construct it.
With versioned constructor-like matchers
Tree fields can evolve over time, and for each version an appropriate
constructor method is added. However, the same cannot be said
about matchers, as there can be only one unapply()
Therefore, to evolve the code properly, please use versioned matcher objects.
Each tree comes with .Initial
matcher corresponding to the original set of
fields, and each field change is annotated with the version after which
it was made, along with a versioned matcher .After_x_y_z
For instance,
"function(arg1, arg2)".parse[Term].get match {
case Term.Apply.Initial(function, List(arg1, arg2)) =>
println("1 " + function)
println("2 " + arg1)
println("3 " + arg2)
// 1 function
// 2 arg1
// 3 arg2
"function(using arg1, arg2)".parse[Term].get match {
case Term.Apply.After_4_6_0(function, Term.ArgClause.Initial(List(arg1, arg2), mod)) =>
println("1 " + function)
println("2 " + arg1)
println("3 " + arg2)
println("4 " + mod)
// 1 function
// 2 arg1
// 3 arg2
// 4 Some(using)
With quasiquotes
Quasiquotes expand at compile-time and work the same way in pattern position as in term position.
List(Term.Name("arg1"), Term.Name("arg2"))
) match {
case q"$function(..$args)" =>
println("1 " + function)
println("2 " + args)
// 1 function
// 2 (arg1, arg2)
Use triple dollar splices ...$
to extract curried argument lists
"function(arg1, arg2)(arg3, arg4)".parse[Term].get match {
case q"$function(...$args)" =>
println("1 " + function)
println("2 " + args)
// 1 function
// 2 List((arg1, arg2), (arg3, arg4))
Pattern matching with quasiquotes is generally discouraged because it's easy to write patterns that result in unintended match errors.
q"final val x = 2" match {
case q"val x = 2" => // boom!
// scala.MatchError: final val x = 2 (of class scala.meta.Defn$Val$DefnValImpl)
// at repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anonfun$5.apply(
To fix this pattern, we specify that the final
modifier should be ignored
using $_
q"final val x = 2" match {
case q"$_ val x = 2" => println("OK")
// OK
Compare trees for equality
Scalameta trees use reference equality by default, which may result in
surprising behavior. A common mistake is to use ==
between parsed syntax trees
and quasiquotes
"true".parse[Term].get == q"true"
// res27: Boolean = false
Comparing trees by ==
is the same as comparing them with eq
. Even identical
quasiquotes produce different references
q"true" == q"true"
// res28: Boolean = false
Equality checks with ==
will only return true when the reference is the same.
{ val treeReference = q"true"
treeReference == treeReference }
// res29: Boolean = true
The idiomatic way to compare trees for structural equality is to use pattern matching
q"true" match { case q"true" => println("YAY!") }
// YAY!
If you can't use pattern matching to compare trees by structural equality, you
can use .structure
q"true".structure == q"true".structure
// res31: Boolean = true
The .structure
method produces large strings for large programs, which may
become prohibitively slow. The Scalameta contrib module contains a more
efficient isEqual
helper method to compare trees structurally.
import scala.meta.contrib._
// res32: Boolean = true
Traverse trees
Scalameta includes utilities to recursively visit tree nodes for both simple and advanced use-cases. Simple use-cases have high-level APIs that require minimal ceremony while advanced use-cases use lower-level APIs that typically involve more side-effects.
Simple traversals
Use .traverse
to visit every tree node and perform a side-effect, similarly to
q"val x = 2".traverse {
case node =>
println(s"${node.productPrefix}: $node")
// Defn.Val: val x = 2
// Pat.Var: x
// Term.Name: x
// Lit.Int: 2
Use .collect
to visit every tree node and collect a value instead of
performing a side-effect
q"val x = 2".collect {
case node => node.productPrefix -> node.toString
// res34: List[(String, String)] = List(
// ("Defn.Val", "val x = 2"),
// ("Pat.Var", "x"),
// ("Term.Name", "x"),
// ("Lit.Int", "2")
// )
The methods .traverse
and .collect
don't support customizing the recursion.
For more fine-grained control over which tree nodes to visit implement a custom
Custom traversals
Extend Traverser
if you need to implement a custom tree traversal
val traverser = new Traverser {
override def apply(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case Pat.Var.Initial(name) =>
println(s"stop: $name")
case node =>
println(s"${node.productPrefix}: $node")
The super.apply(node)
call continues the recursion, so in this case we will
recursively visit all nodes except children of Pat.Var
traverser(q"val x = 2")
// Defn.Val: val x = 2
// stop: x
// Lit.Int: 2
There is no .collect
equivalent for custom traversals. To collect a value,
it's recommended to use List.newBuilder[T]
for the type you are interested in
and append values inside the apply
Transform trees
Scalameta includes utilities to transform trees for simple and advanced use-cases.
Transformed trees do not preserve comments and formatting details when pretty-printed. Look into Scalafix if you need to implement fine-grained refactorings that preserve comments and formatting details.
Simple transformations
Use .transform
to visit every tree node and transform interesting tree nodes.
q"val x = 2".transform { case q"2" => q"42" }
// val x = 42
The contract of .transform
is that it will recursively visit all tree nodes,
including the transformed trees. Due to this behavior, a common mistake is to
introduce infinite recursion in .transform
q"a + b".transform {
case name @ Term.Name.Initial("b") => q"function($name)"
// [error] java.lang.StackOverflowError
// at scala.meta.transversers.Api$XtensionCollectionLikeUI$transformer$2$.apply(Api.scala:10)
// at scala.meta.transversers.Transformer.apply(Transformer.scala:4)
The best solution to fix this problem is to implement a custom transformer to gain fine-grained control over the recursion.
Custom transformations
Extend Transformer
if you need to implement a custom tree transformation
val transformer = new Transformer {
override def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case name @ Term.Name.Initial("b") => q"function($name)"
case node => super.apply(node)
By avoiding the call to super.transform
in the first case, we prevent a stack
transformer(q"a + b")
// a + function(b)