Create a docs
directory and docs/
file with some basic content.
$ tree
└── docs
$ cat docs/
# My Project
To install my project
libraryDependencies += "com" % "lib" % "@VERSION@"
```scala mdoc
val x = 1
List(x, x)
We process the markdown with one of the following mdoc integrations:
- sbt-mdoc: for usage with sbt projects.
- command-line: to run from the console outside of a build tool.
- library API: for programmatic usage.
The generated
will look like this.
# My Project
To install my project
libraryDependencies += "com" % "lib" % "1.0.0"
val x = 1
// x: Int = 1
List(x, x)
// res0: List[Int] = List(1, 1)
Observe that VERSION
has been replaced with 1.0.0
and that the scala mdoc
code fence has been evaluated.
Install the sbt-mdoc
plugin and create a docs
project in build.sbt that
enables mdoc.MdocPlugin
// project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-mdoc" % "2.6.3" )
// build.sbt
lazy val myproject = project // your existing library
lazy val docs = project // new documentation project
.in(file("myproject-docs")) // important: it must not be docs/
Next, from the sbt shell, run the docs/mdoc
task to generate the documentation
site. By default, the mdoc
task looks for markdown sources in the toplevel
// sbt shell
> docs/mdoc
Update mdocVariables
to include site variables like @VERSION@
// build.sbt
lazy val docs = project
+ mdocVariables := Map(
+ "VERSION" -> version.value
+ )
The mdoc
task runs the mdoc command-line interface so it's possible to pass in
arguments like --watch
to start file watcher with livereload. It's recommended
to use --watch
while writing documentation to enjoy 3-4x faster compilation
> docs/mdoc --watch
See --help
to learn more how to use the command-line interface.
> docs/mdoc --help
The sbt-mdoc plugin supports the following settings.
Task | Type | Description |
mdoc |
InputTask[Unit] |
Run mdoc to generate markdown sources. Supports arguments like --watch to start the file watcher with livereload. |
mdocIn |
File |
Input directory or source file containing markdown to be processed by mdoc. Defaults to the toplevel docs/ directory. |
mdocOut |
File |
Output directory or output file name for mdoc generated markdown. Defaults to the target/mdoc directory of this project. If this is a file name, it assumes your `in` was also an individual file |
mdocVariables |
Map[String, String] |
Site variables that can be referenced from markdown with @VERSION@. |
mdocExtraArguments |
Seq[String] |
Additional command-line arguments to pass on every mdoc invocation. For example, add '--no-link-hygiene' to disable link hygiene. |
mdocJS |
Option[Project] |
Optional Scala.js classpath and compiler options to use for the mdoc:js modifier. To use this setting, set the value to `mdocJS := Some(jsproject)` where `jsproject` must be a Scala.js project. |
mdocJSLibraries |
Task[Seq[Attributed[File]]] |
Additional local JavaScript files to load before loading the mdoc compiled Scala.js bundle. If using scalajs-bundler, set this key to `<mdocJS project>, Compile, fullOptJS).value`. |
mdocAutoDependency |
Boolean |
If false, do not add mdoc as a library dependency this project. Default value is true. |
Use coursier to launch mdoc outside of a build tool.
curl -L -o coursier
chmod +x coursier
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- --site.VERSION 1.0.0
info: Compiling 1 file to website/target/docs
info: Compiled in 1.2s (0 errors)
Add library dependencies to classpath
Use the --classpath
argument to change the classpath used for compilation:
coursier launch \
org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --classpath $(coursier fetch -p org.typelevel:cats-core_2.12:1.5.0)
Customize input directory
By default the docs/
directory is processed as input. Use --in
to customize
the input directory where markdown sources are contained,
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --in mydocs
Process single markdown file
The --in
flag doesn't have to be a directory, it also supports individual
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --in mydocs/
Configure site variables like Use --site.VARIABLE=value
to add site variables that can be referenced from
markdown as @VARIABLE@
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --site.SCALA_VERSION 2.12.20
Customize output directory
Use --out
to customize where your markdown sources are generated, by default
the out/
directory is used.
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --out target/docs
Generate single output file instead of directory
The --out
flag doesn't have to be a directory when the --in
argument is a
regular file, it can also be an individual file.
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --in \
+ --out
Process multiple input directories and files
Repeat the --in
and --out
arguments to process multiple directories and
regular files.
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --in \
+ --out \
+ --in \
+ --out \
+ --in mydocs-directory \
+ --out out-directory \
Live reload HTML preview on file save
Use --watch
to start the file watcher with livereload. It's recommended to use
while writing documentation to enjoy 3-4x faster compilation
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_2.12:2.6.3 -- \
+ --watch
Use --help
to learn more how to use the command-line interface.
mdoc v2.6.3
Usage: mdoc [<option> ...]
Example: mdoc --in mydocs --out _site (custom input/output directories)
mdoc --watch (watch for file changes)
mdoc --site.VERSION 1.0.0 (pass in site variables)
mdoc --include **/ (process only files named
mdoc --exclude node_modules (don't process node_modules directory)
mdoc --in --out \
--in --out (multiple input/output pairs)
mdoc is a documentation tool that interprets Scala code examples within markdown
code fences allowing you to compile and test documentation as part your build.
Common options:
--in | -i List[AbsolutePath] (default: ["docs"])
The input directory or regular file containing markdown and other documentation
sources that should be processed. Markdown files are processed by mdoc while
non-markdown files are copied verbatim to the output directory. Can be
repeated to process multiple input directories/files.
--out | -o List[AbsolutePath] (default: ["out"])
The output directory or regular file where you'd like to generate your markdown
or other documentation sources. Must be repeated to match the number of
`--in` arguments and must be a directory when the matching `--in` argument
is a directory.
--watch | -w
Start a file watcher and incrementally re-generate the site on file save.
Instead of generating a new site, report an error if generating the site would
produce a diff against an existing site. Useful for asserting in CI that a
site is up-to-date.
Disable link hygiene analysis so that no warnings are reported for dead links.
Link hygiene analysis reports dead links as errors. Useful for asserting in CI
that the site contains no dead links. This setting has no effect in watch
mode. It is also mutually exclusive with --no-link-hygiene, if both are set,
link hygiene is disabled.
Include additional diagnostics for debugging potential problems.
--site Map[String, String] (default: {})
Key/value pairs of variables to replace through @VAR@. For example, the flag
'--site.VERSION 1.0.0' will replace appearances of '@VERSION@' in markdown
files with the string 1.0.0
Compiler options:
--classpath String (default: "")
Classpath to use when compiling Scala code examples. Defaults to the current
thread's classpath.You can use Coursier's fetch command to generate the
classpath for you:`--classpath $(cs fetch --classpath
--scalac-options String (default: "")
Space separated list of compiler flags such as '-Xplugin:kind-projector.jar
-deprecation -Yrangepos'. Defaults to the value of 'scalacOptions' in the
'' resource file, if any. When using sbt-mdoc, update the
`scalacOptions` sbt setting instead of passing --scalac-options to
Remove all files in the output directory before generating a new site.
LiveReload options:
Don't start a LiveReload server under --watch mode.
--port Int (default: 4000)
Which port the LiveReload server should listen to. If the port is not free,
another free port close to this number is used.
--host String (default: "localhost")
Which hostname the LiveReload server should listen to
Less common options:
Print out a help message and exit
Print out usage instructions and exit
Print out the version number and exit
--markdown-extensions List[String] (default: ["md", "html"])
Set of file extensions to treat as markdown files.
--include List[PathMatcher] (default: [])
Glob to filter which files to process. Defaults to all files. Example: --include
**/ will process only files with the name
--exclude List[PathMatcher] (default: [])
Glob to filter which files from exclude from processing. Defaults to no files.
Example: --include users/**.md --exclude **/ will process all
files in the users/ directory excluding files named
Use relative filenames when reporting error messages. Useful for producing
consistent docs on a local machine and CI.
--charset Charset (default: "UTF-8")
The encoding to use when reading and writing files.
--cwd AbsolutePath (default: "<current working directory>")
The working directory to use for making relative paths absolute.
Allow indented code fence blocks
--import-map-path Option[AbsolutePath] (default: null)
The absolute path to a file containing an import map file in this format;
--property-file-name String (default: "")
Defaults to This is the name of the properties file the CLI
will read. It is assumed to be a resource on the classpath. Use the
--extra-jars flag to customise the directory it is found in
Add the following dependency to your build
// build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.12.20" // Any version in 2.12.x works.
libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %% "mdoc" % "2.6.3"
Then write a main function that invokes mdoc as a library
It's recommended to use --watch
while writing documentation to enjoy 3-4x
faster compilation performance.
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// build arguments for mdoc
val settings = mdoc.MainSettings()
.withSiteVariables(Map("VERSION" -> "1.0.0"))
// generate out/ from working directory
val exitCode = mdoc.Main.process(settings)
// (optional) exit the main function with exit code 0 (success) or 1 (error)
if (exitCode != 0) sys.exit(exitCode)
If you use sbt-mdoc, update the mdoc
task to call run
instead of the default
runMain mdoc.Main
// build.sbt
lazy val docs = project
+ mdoc :=
Consult the mdoc source to learn more how to use the library API. Scaladocs are
but beware there are limited docstrings for classes and methods. Keep in mind
that code in the package mdoc.internal
is subject to binary and source
breaking changes between any release, including PATCH versions.