Coming from tut
This is a reference guide to migrating from tut to mdoc. It's not possible to automatically migrate tut documentation to mdoc because mdoc uses program semantics while tut uses REPL semantics. This means that some tut documentation can't compile with mdoc without manual changes.
tut | mdoc |
:fail | :fail for compile error, :crash for runtime error |
:nofail | n/a |
:silent | :silent |
:plain | n/a |
:invisible | :invisible |
:book | can be removed, mdoc uses book mode by default |
:evaluated | n/a |
:passthrough | :passthrough |
:decorate(param) | n/a |
:reset | :reset |
Migration script
The following script can be used to translate the most basic and mechanical differences between tut and mdoc. It is normal that mdoc reports compile errors after running the migration script and you need some manual fixing to get the documents compiling.
find . -name '*.md' -type f -exec perl -pi -e '
s/```tut:book/```scala mdoc/g;
s/```tut/```scala mdoc/g;
' {} +
Use the sbt-mdoc plugin instead of sbt-tut and run sbt docs/mdoc
instead of
sbt docs/tut
// project/plugins.sbt
- addSbtPlugin("org.tpolecat" % "tut-plugin" % "0.6.10")
+ addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-mdoc" % "2.6.4")
// build.sbt
- enablePlugins(TutPlugin)
+ enablePlugins(MdocPlugin)
The sbt-mdoc plugin exposes only one task mdoc
tut | mdoc |
tut | mdoc |
tutQuick | mdoc --watch |
tutOnly path/ | mdoc --include |
tutSourceDirectory | mdocIn |
tutTargetDirectory | mdocOut |
tutNameFilter | mdoc --include <glob> --exclude <glob> |
scalacOptions in Tut | scalacOptions in Compile |
tutPluginJars | addCompilerPlugin() |
Note that mdoc does not use the Scala REPL so compiler options like
work normally.
The tut :fail
modifier is split in two separate mdoc modifiers.
: for compile errors, mdoc uses a custom compilation mode for these code fences.:crash
: for runtime errors, mdoc instruments these code fences like normal except they're wrapped intry/catch
Double binding
It's not possible by default to define the same variable name twice with mdoc. In tut, the following program is valid.
val x = 1
val x = 2
In mdoc, that program does not compile because the document is compiled as a normal Scala program.
```scala mdoc
val x = 1
```scala mdoc
val x = 2
error: x is already defined as value x
val x = 2
One workaround is to use the mdoc:nest
modifier, which
wraps subsequent code blocks in scala.Predef.locally{...}
```scala mdoc
val x = 1
val y = 2
```scala mdoc:nest
val x = 3 + y
val x = 1
// x: Int = 1
val y = 2
// y: Int = 2
val x = 3 + y
// x: Int = 5
Another workaround is to define a separate variable name.
```scala mdoc
-val x = 2
+val y = 2
Another workaround is to use the :reset
-```scala mdoc
+```scala mdoc:reset
val x = 2
However, note that :reset
discards all previous imports and declarations in
the document.